Discovering Phishing Attacks

Elisabeth Do
Elisabeth Do
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February 18, 2024
4 min

Our daily interactions in the internet environment are based on digital transactions and communications. Information security, both financial and personal, has become critical. Phishing is a real problem that preys on people's confidence in order to violate fundamental security protocols for both individuals and organizations. It's a tactic that uses phony emails, websites, or messages that impersonate established organizations. The intention is to deceive people into disclosing private information, including credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login passwords.

Phishing is important and should not be disregarded. It constitutes a direct attack on the financial and security infrastructure in addition to a violation of individual privacy. Phishing attacks can result in disastrous outcomes, such as identity theft and financial loss, among other things. The techniques are particularly harmful because of their versatility, which enables attackers to take advantage of individual vulnerabilities, societal anxieties, and current events.

Types of Phishing Attacks

Email Phishing

Phishing emails are a type of cyberattack in which fraudsters send emails that seem authentic in an attempt to trick recipients into divulging personal information. This method gains users' trust by taking advantage of the digital platform of email, which is widely used in both personal and professional life. An outline of the traits of email phishing is provided below:

  • Deceitful Presentation: Phishing emails are meticulously designed to imitate the appearance and tone of correspondence from reputable organizations, including banks, social media sites, and businesses. This covers the usage of official logos, email addresses that are identical to one another, and the formatting used in actual emails from these companies.
  • Malicious Links and Attachments: Frequently, these emails have links that direct recipients to phony websites that request personal information or attachments that, when opened, can infect a victim's computer with malware. Users may find it challenging to differentiate these websites from the real thing because they are designed to seem just like authentic websites.
  • Techniques of Fear and Urgency: Attackers usually use techniques that create fear or generate a sense of urgency to get the target to act fast. This could include informing the recipient that someone else has attempted to log into their account without authorization, threatening to suspend their account if they don't reply, or providing a time-limited incentive.
  • Solicitation of Sensitive Information: The main objective of phishing emails is to obtain sensitive data, including credit card details, social security numbers, usernames, and passwords. Under the pretext of confirming the recipient's identification, the emails may ask for this information directly or deliberately motivate them to submit it on a malicious website.
  • Broad Range of Targets: Phishing emails can go after people, small companies, and major organizations. In order to increase their chances of success, attackers spread their net widely, sending out thousands or even millions of emails. On the other hand, other campaigns are extremely focused, concentrating on particular people or groups in an effort to maximize the possibility of gathering important information.

Spear Phishing

Spear phishing is a complex and focused type of phishing attack in which fraudsters target certain people or organizations with personalized communications in an attempt to obtain passwords, sensitive data, or unapproved access to systems. Spear phishing, in contrast to phishing campaigns, is carefully planned and executed with the intention of tricking the victim. Phishing campaigns typically target huge groups of people with generic messages. A summary of spear phishing's traits is provided below:

  • Targeted People or Organizations: Spear phishing attacks aren't random; rather, they aim to target particular people, workers, or organizations. In order to craft extremely plausible communications, attackers invest a great deal of effort in learning as much as possible about their targets.
  • Personalization: To make the emails seem authentic and pertinent, they frequently contain personal information about the target, such as their name, position, company, or particulars about their professional or personal lives. Social media accounts, business websites, and other publicly accessible sources may be the source of this data.
  • Information on the Spoofed Sender: Spear phishing emails usually seem to be from a reliable source, such a business partner, coworker, boss, or a trustworthy organization that the target is connected to. Attackers can utilize hacked accounts or fake email addresses to make their message appear more authentic.
  • Malicious Links or Attachments: Like standard phishing emails, spear phishing emails may have links that go to fake websites intended to get login credentials or attachments that, when viewed, infect the victim's device with malware. But these components are frequently altered to fit the recipient's hobbies or professional requirements.

Website Phishing

Website phishing, sometimes referred to as phishing via fake websites, is a type of cyberattack in which scammers fabricate phony websites that resemble real ones in an effort to trick people into disclosing sensitive personal, financial, or security information. These websites are made to appear and feel as though they are from reputable businesses, banks, governments, or other reliable organizations. An outline of the traits of website phishing is provided below:

  • Visual Similarity to Real Websites: Attackers put a lot of work into making sure that the phony websites closely resemble the real websites they copy. This covers imitating layouts, color schemes, logos, and other design components.
  • Deceptive URL: Phishing websites frequently use URLs that closely resemble legitimate websites. These websites use strategies like intentional typos, domain spoofing, or subdomain use to generate a URL that looks authentic at first glance.
  • Spoofed Security Indicators: Phishing websites may employ impersonated security indications, including padlock symbols or HTTPS in their URLs, to trick consumers into believing they are authentic.
  • Methods of Urgency and Fear: Phishing websites frequently fabricate scenarios that demand quick action, like alerting users to the possibility of account suspension, alleging account compromise, or promising a reward.


Vishing is a type of phishing attack that uses VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and regular phone calls as voice communication platforms. Using this tactic, scammers pose as reputable companies, such banks, governments, or tech support, in an attempt to trick people into giving over personal, financial, or security-related information over the phone. An outline of the traits of vishing is provided below:

  • Impersonation of Trusted Entities: Attackers frequently assume the persona of representatives from reputable companies, taking advantage of the authority and confidence these entities carry in order to deceive their targets.
  • Techniques of Fear and Urgency: Like other phishing techniques, vishing calls often generate fear or a sense of urgency in their victims, persuading them that taking quick action is essential to prevent account suspension, cash loss, or other negative consequences.
  • Request for Sensitive Information: The main goal is to obtain sensitive data, including social security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and passwords. Under the pretext of maintaining their accounts or doing security checks, callers may urge victims to verify or update their personal information.
  • Use of Spoofed Caller ID: In order to provide the impression that a call is coming from a real phone number connected to the impersonated company, spoofing caller ID information is a common technique used in vishing attacks.


Smishing, a mix of SMS (Short Message Service) and phishing together, refers to a type of phishing attack carried out through text messages. In these attacks, cybercriminals send SMS messages designed to deceive individuals into divulging personal information, clicking on malicious links, or performing actions that compromise their security. Smishing exploits the widespread use of mobile phones and the trust people often place in text messages. Here’s an overview of the characteristics of smishing:

  • False Text Messages: Smishing messages frequently resemble authentic alerts from banks, governmental organizations, or other reliable sources. These notifications might assert that in order to resolve an account issue, confirm identity, or claim a reward, immediate action is needed.
  • Malicious Links: Links to phony websites intended to steal personal data or infect a user's device with malware are a common feature of smishing attempts. These websites may be highly skilled copies of authentic websites, making the fraud difficult to spot.
  • Requests for Personal Information: Under the pretext of security verification or account updates, phishing communications may ask for personal information directly, including passwords, PINs, or financial information.
  • Methods of Urgency and Fear: Similar to other phishing strategies, smishing frequently uses language that is urgent or makes threats of serious consequences in an attempt to get the recipient to take quick action.

There are various techniques to prevent phishing, which will be covered in the next article related to Tips & Resources.

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