Real-Case Analysis #14: Cybercriminals Leak 70 Million US Criminal Records

Elisabeth Do
Elisabeth Do
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May 29, 2024
3 min

A significant data breach has occurred involving a U.S. criminal database, exposing the personal and criminal records of approximately 70 million Americans. This breach, attributed to the notorious hacker groups USDoD and SXUL, has resulted in the dissemination of highly sensitive information on a leak forum.


Overview of the Data Breach

The data breach in question involved the unauthorized access and subsequent leak of a U.S. criminal database containing approximately 70 million records. The compromised data includes highly sensitive personal and criminal information such as full names, addresses, dates of birth, aliases, conviction dates, sentences, and potentially Social Security numbers. The data spans from 2020 to 2024 and was posted online in a CSV format by the hacker group USDoD. The breach is classified as a "HACK" type, indicating that it was perpetrated by an outside party through hacking or malware infection.

While the exact initial attack vector and specific vulnerabilities exploited in this breach have not been disclosed, it is known that the data was exfiltrated by the threat actor SXUL and subsequently leaked by USDoD. The breach likely involved complex hacking techniques to infiltrate the database and extract the sensitive information. Given the nature of the data and the involvement of high-profile hacker groups, it is plausible that the attackers exploited weaknesses in the database's security infrastructure, such as unpatched software vulnerabilities, weak access controls, or inadequate encryption measures.

The breach was publicly disclosed in May 2024 when the database was posted on a leak forum by USDoD. The exact date of the initial breach is not specified, but the data's time range suggests that the attackers may have had prolonged access to the database over multiple years. The public disclosure of the breach occurred shortly after the seizure of BreachForums, a notorious data leak site, indicating a possible strategic timing by the attackers to coincide with the launch of a new hacker marketplace called "Breach Nation".

The primary perpetrators behind this data breach are the hacker groups USDoD and SXUL. USDoD is a well-known threat actor with close ties to "Pompompurin," the operator of the now-seized BreachForums. The motivations behind the breach appear to be multifaceted. Firstly, the release of such a vast amount of sensitive data could be aimed at causing significant disruption and damage to the U.S. justice system and the individuals affected. Secondly, the breach serves as a means for USDoD to garner attention and attract users to their new data leak site, "Breach Nation," which is set to launch in July 2024. This strategic move suggests that the perpetrators are not only motivated by the immediate impact of the breach but also by long-term goals of establishing a dominant position in the cybercriminal marketplace.

Immediate Consequences

The immediate consequences of the breach are severe. Millions of individuals whose records are now in the hands of malicious actors face the risk of identity theft, financial fraud, and other forms of exploitation. For those with criminal records, the leak could result in significant personal and professional repercussions. Employers, landlords, and others who access this information could potentially misuse it, leading to discrimination and other adverse outcomes.

Furthermore, the breach undermines public trust in the criminal justice system’s ability to protect sensitive information. Victims of crimes, witnesses, and other individuals who rely on the system to protect their identities may now be less inclined to cooperate, fearing exposure and retaliation.

The Role of Government and Industry

In response to the breach, government agencies and industry leaders must collaborate to strengthen cybersecurity frameworks. This includes updating regulations to ensure that organizations handling sensitive information adhere to the highest security standards. The development and enforcement of such regulations are crucial in creating a baseline level of security across various sectors.

Moreover, public-private partnerships can play a significant role in reinforcing cybersecurity resilience. By sharing threat intelligence and best practices, both government and private entities can better anticipate and respond to emerging threats. Initiatives such as information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs) are instrumental in promoting collaboration and improving overall security posture.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The legal consequences of the breach are substantial. Organizations found to have inadequate security measures in place may face serious fines and legal action. Additionally, affected individuals may pursue lawsuits for damages resulting from the exposure of their personal information.

Ethically, organizations have a duty to protect the data they collect and store. This breach highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in data management practices. Organizations must be forthcoming about the nature of the breach, the steps being taken to mitigate its impact, and the measures implemented to prevent future incidents.


To prevent similar breaches in the future, a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity is essential. This involves several key components:

  • Regular Security Audits: Conducting thorough and regular security audits helps identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Organizations should work with third-party experts to perform these assessments and implement recommended improvements.
  • Advanced Encryption: Utilizing advanced encryption techniques ensures that even if data is exfiltrated, it remains inaccessible to unauthorized users. Encryption should be applied to both data at rest and data in transit.
  • Employee Training: Human error is a significant factor in many breaches. Ongoing training programs that educate employees about phishing, social engineering, and other common attack vectors can reduce the likelihood of successful breaches.
  • Incident Response Planning: Having a robust incident response plan in place is critical for minimizing the impact of a breach. This includes clear protocols for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents.
  • Investment in Technology: Investing in advanced cybersecurity technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning can help detect and mitigate threats in real-time. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies indicative of malicious activity.