Real Stories About Elder Scams

Elisabeth Do
Elisabeth Do
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July 12, 2024
3 min

**Please note: All names in these different stories have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.**

In a world where technology connects us in previously unthinkable ways, the dark side of scams and deception seeks new ways to prey on the vulnerable. The following five anecdotes show scammers' ingenious and often devastating strategies for exploiting vulnerabilities, resulting in not only cash loss but also emotional misery for their victims. From impersonation and emotional manipulation to utilizing the latest in digital communication, these stories serve as a harsh reminder of the dangers that lurk inside our interconnected lives. Each story provides light on the various tactics scammers employ to create their deceptive webs, targeting people from all backgrounds and circumstances.

Story #1: The Fake Accident Bail Scam

Daisy went to visit her grandmother in New York two weekends ago. She intended to test their travel by parking in a nearby city and riding the train to New York. She'd even bought a parking pass for that Tuesday.

After opting on a different path, she did not arrive in the city on Tuesday as scheduled. Later that afternoon, her uncle called, anxious, since a girl had called her grandma, pretending to be her and screaming uncontrollably, claiming she had run over a pregnant woman while texting and driving. Then, a scammer pretended to be a lawyer approached Daisy's grandma for bail money.

Daisy's grandmother believed the story since the girl mentioned the city where they originally planned to go together. She called her uncle, and they traveled to the city to check with the police, who said it was most likely a scam, and then confirmed it at the courthouse. Thankfully, no money was paid to the fraudsters.

Story #2: The Deceitful Web of a Bitcoin Scammer

Rachel has worked diligently to make her aunt, Sally, understand that she has fallen victim to a scam. Her situation is more vulnerable because she has no children and lost her husband last November. Since May, Sally has been caught up in a scammer's cunning web. Communicating via WhatsApp, the fraudster, John, who pretends to be a London lawyer, takes the name of an actual attorney and claims he was appointed by M&T Bank to secure money for her. The funds were allegedly tied to a woman she met via a random text message.

This story persuaded Sally to send significant amounts of Bitcoin to the scammer. As a result, she has not only drained her own funds but now owes huge amounts to friends and family. Despite Rachel's persistent attempts to understand the basic concept and method of the scam, each answer is weakened by the scammer. John expertly manipulates and reassures Sally, increasing her belief in the illusion. To make matters worse, he also catfished her, causing her to form an emotional attachment that blinds her to the truth of her situation.

No matter how many people inform Sally that she is involved in a scam, she refuses to accept it, firmly believing that the supposed attorney is genuinely assisting her. Rachel has used every possible method to demonstrate the truth, but nothing has proven effective. 

Story #3: Crypto Rescue

Rick, Connor's father, is dealing with the effects of age; his memory is fading, and his formerly rapid wit has reduced slightly. He recently had a panic attack, prompting him to contact Connor for assistance. He urgently needed to understand how cryptocurrency works. The explanation was both complex and distressing: his acquaintance, a Ukrainian woman he claimed to have known for many years, was in serious financial trouble.

According to her account, her parents had been brutally killed, and she wanted to leave the country. She pointed out, however, that she could only take assistance in the form of bitcoin, warning that any money given through traditional channels would be confiscated by the authorities.

Connor's strategy of sending information on the refugee crisis from the EU and UNHCR was a wise move to gain time and prevent his father from making rash decisions.

Story #4: Nighttime Terror: The House Watch Scam

Tess, an elderly woman, lives alone in a relatively isolated area. One unsettling night, she received a call from a man who claimed he was watching her house. He threatened to harm her and her children unless she complied with his demands. To intimidate her further, he sent a Google Maps photo of her house. He then instructed her to drive to a nearby casino and wire him $5,000. It appears that this criminal had gathered all her information online, instilling terror in her. Despite her fear, she complied and sent the money. The ordeal was so distressing that it left her confused and disoriented, aimlessly wandering around the casino parking lot at five in the morning. When Tess reached out to the police, they informed her that there was little they could do. 

Story #5: The Oil Tycoon WhatsApp Scam

Patricia's grandmother has been engaging in conversations for months with someone on WhatsApp, who has deceived her into believing he is a real person—a wealthy owner of oil companies. Unfortunately, this individual is actually a scammer. Previously, he requested $9,500 from her to "finalize a contract." Despite Patricia's efforts to convince her grandmother that this person is not real, neither her grandmother nor her mother would believe her. Coming to the recent events, just yesterday, her grandmother made an international wire transfer of $5,000 to the scammer, unaware that Patricia knows about the transaction. Taking matters into her own hands, Patricia is now planning to call Citizens Bank, where her grandmother banks, to attempt to halt the wire transfer and have the funds reimbursed into her grandmother's account.